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Walk4Health | Nature Walks | India Walks - Walk4Health - A Step towards Better Health

A Step Towards Better Health
Walking, make it a habit for Healthy Living.
Healthy People Make Healthy Society.
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Lets make walking as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Walking is a simple exercise that has numerous benefits for bones, muscles and joints.
Benefits of Walking

To improve public health and deliver a sustainable physical fitness activity by engaging local communities with simple lifestyle changes that can have a positive impact on health and quality of life.
By nature, our bodies are optimized for the forest in keeping optimal health, spending quality time in forest will have enhanced health benefits.

Walking has it all. Simple and natural, it doesn't require any instruction or skill. You can walk alone for solitude or with friends for companionship. You can walk in indoors or at outdoors in the parks, grounds and streets near home or away.

Walking for 45Min each day is one of the best things we can do for our body, mind and for protecting overall health.

We encourage people to celebrate birthdays, get together, classmate’s reunion in forests that help everyone to enjoy the day in natures lap and leave a refreshing experience to cherish for longer time.
Nature Walks @ International
Nature Walks @ India
Gandikota Grand Canyon
 Walk your way to better health
As the current generation is spending less time in outdoors than previous generations, parents too are engaging kids in shopping malls and cinema halls which will have a detrimental impact on their development.

To overcome this, we are encouraging the community members by providing required information to find the best parks, gardens and forests that are wonderful to walk, easy to locate, and convenient to get around to take action for wellbeing of their entire family.

The outdoors has  something more to offer than just physical benefits  for children. Cognitive and social or emotional development are impacted,  too. Outside, children are more likely to invent natural adventure games. As they do, they're able to express themselves and learn about  the world in their own way.

Promoting Nature Walks through Walk4Health initiative. To connect with nature for a happier and healthier life, to appreciate nature's tranquillity and it’s an excellent way to inspire a love towards natural world.

Going for a walk around local park or forest offers several things that can give your mood a boost. Listen to the sounds of the birds, nature offers an orchestra of sounds and visuals, you will spot a variety of butterflies, birds, dozens of shades of green, fresh air, early sun shine, step out and walk in park you will fall in love with the nature. Walking in nature will enhance our Health, one step at a time.

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Walking for 40 minutes each day is one of the best things you can do for your body, mind and for protecting overall health.

If you walk more, you improve your chances of a longer and healthier life.
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